lunedì 9 febbraio 2009

Cac Forlì and Cacib Montichiari 09

Cac Forlì 09 - 980 entries -
BOG : 3th Placement in very BIG and important Group!

BOB - Sayuki del Biagio - Bos - Chicka del Biagio

Hello Dear Friends!

It's Show time again...a bit for Us.

Naho has finished puppy time and come back in ring, with Ris Cacib in Montichiari (6 entries), nice show in middle north est of Italy.

Sayuki was BOB and soon after..

Sayuki show own beautiful balanced Style in Ring again
obtains BOB and 3th
BOG in Forlì in a very, really BIG V group !!!

Thank to mr Dondi for very interesting and nice critic and mr Migliarini for 3th BOG placement !!!

thank to Canitalia and Biagio Staff for pics!

Sayuki show own Beuty balanced style in honor Ring

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